Preparing For History at the Year Turn
Hello Investing Friend!
I hope you are well!
I wanted to get a quick note out before the year ends and while trading is open, including the next pick.
We think 2024 will be one of the most important years in market history, with dramatic structural economic changes, huge returns, and lots of volatility near the beginning.
The biggest theme we see is that the central banks of the world will begin the process of “inflating our way out” of the mess of debt that all the world’s governments currently endure. By inducing a lot of inflation the nominal value of tax receipts also goes up a lot and the real value of the existing debt goes down a lot, problem solved.
Along with this theme is the back-firing sanctions them. The US stole Russia’s money and insulted the Saudi ruler as a “thug” and now these nations are on board with dropping the dollar as the settlement currency for oil. So basically now China buys oil from Russia and OPEC in yuan that is not nearly as good as dollars. But using dollars ultimately support and subsidizes the US regime, so what to do? Give the yuan back to China monthly or quarterly in exchange for planes full of gold.
This apparently has been happening. Now let’s remember that the phantom share scheme that prime brokers like JPMorgan use to rob biotech investors is also used on the GLD and other paper gold securities – these critically do not have cash flows just like the biotechs. Gold apparently belongs in the $5k - $8k range based on real supply and demand. Therefore, JPM's paper gold thievery is now subsidizing super-cheap oil for China.
We have been saying that these prime brokers make *most* of their money from these games, and when Jamie Dimon announced he was selling JPM, my alarms went off (we think he would have borrowed against his shares to buy gold, and will sell JPM after reporting a good Q4, when they were still allowed to do this thievery).
So what we think is happening is that at year end the paper games end, and gold soars so that China is no longer subsidized. This will make oil go up sustainably for a decade, all other materials too. A new commodity supercycle will begin.
It will also cause China to start selling some of its truly massive pile of US treasuries, because oil is so expensive now. This will drive interest rates up, crushing the stock market. Then Jay Powell will step in and buy all the treasuries until yields are under say, 4% on the ten year, and start yield curve controls to keep it that way. This will usher in one of the biggest bull markets of all time.
So, here is how we are positioned:
Sign up now my friend — my new site is not up and it will be more expensive, so here is a deal for you. This gets you everything:
We will make 2024 one heck of a great new year my friend, see you in the Discord!
Joe Springer